Good Friday 2025
Friday, April 18th
6:00 PM in the Worship Center
Join us for a special Good Friday service as we reflect on the sacrifice of Jesus and the hope of the cross. The message will be delivered in English with live Spanish translation by our Spanish pastor, ensuring everyone can worship and engage together. Come experience a night of reverence, prayer, and worship as we prepare our hearts for Easter.
Easter Sunday 2025
Sunday, April 20th
Choir Led Service: 8:30 AM
Band Led Services: 10 & 11:30 AM
Spanish Service: 10 AM in the Fellowship Hall
Celebrate the joy of Easter with us on Sunday, April 20, as we gather to worship our risen Savior! We’ll have services at 8:30 AM, 10 AM, and 11:30 AM, with Nursery-Kindergarten care for the 8:30 AM service and nursery through 5th grade for the 10 & 11:30 AM services. Check-in for Nursery-Kindergarten care will be in the Preschool Center.
Lemonade & Cookie Stand
Date: Easter Sunday
Time: After each church service
Location: Outside the Preschool Building
Easter Sunday, we’re inviting you to a sweet and refreshing celebration at Northcliffe Church! After the service, enjoy a FREE Lemonade & Cookie Stand just outside the preschool building! 🍪🍋
It’s the perfect way for everyone to wrap up the day as we celebrate Jesus’s resurrection together. We hope to see you there!
Annie Armstong Easter Offering
Church Goal: $10,000
Every gift to the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering – 100 percent – goes to train, resource, and send thousands of missionaries involved in church planting and compassion ministries across the United States, Canada, and their territories. Envelopes are available in the pews, at the offering boxes, or designate “Annie Armstrong” on your check or online giving.
Pick up a Week of Prayer guide in the Worship Center lobby or visit
Plan Your Visit
What can I expect?
We want you to feel welcome when you arrive at Northcliffe. That’s why you’ll encounter greeters at the doors and around the campus! In all services, you’ll hear Biblical-led preaching and modern application to our everyday lives. Adult life groups are available throughout the morning (although not on Easter), and we invite everyone to join in our Community Prayer group first thing at 8 AM in the Family Life Center!
At Northcliffe, we love to worship!! Raise your hands, close your eyes, sing out loud to the Lord! Our services are perfect for anyone, and we love families! Our children’s area is open during our worship service for infants – 5th Grade.
What should I wear?
If you are joining us in person, we just want you to know that you should come dressed as comfortably as you like. We don’t get hung up on “Your Sunday Best.” We are just glad you’re here. And if you decide to watch online, well, how would we know you are still in your pajamas?
Okay, so we have a lot of parking lots. So where do you go on your first visit? Pull into the main parking lot by all the buildings off Northcliffe Blvd. There is usually a police car in the road to help with traffic. The parking spots next to the Worship Center and Northcliffe Blvd. are handicapped spots, should you need one. We have designated “Visitor Parking” spaces located next to our Family Life Center (It has the blue “ WELCOME TO NORTHCLIFFE“ on the side). Doesn’t that make you feel special? It should, because you are. For a visual of our parking lot, click here.
On your first Sunday, meet a friendly volunteer in the Preschool Center (C Building) or Elementary Center (G Building) to get checked in. This will take a few minutes, so you can come a bit earlier to get them all settled. You can check in children for both age groups at either check-in location.