We are grateful that you are taking the time to think through what it would mean for you to become a member of Northcliffe. We believe membership is an important and valuable part of partnering with the local church as we all walk according to who God has called us to be and what God has called us to do. In the section below, you will find the steps to becoming a new member and resources that you might find helpful as you seek the Lord’s leading in becoming a member of Northcliffe. If you have any questions, you can always reach out to our Pastor of Connections and Discipleship, Ben Ellis, by emailing him at ben@northcliffe.church or calling the church office at 352-683-5882.
Steps to becoming a member of Northcliffe
Let us know if you would like to become a member by speaking with one of our pastors during the invitation on a Sunday morning or with your small group leader if you have joined a small group. You can also email Pastor Ben at ben@northcliffe.church or call the church office for more information.
“The Starting Point” is the first part of our Discipleship Pathway which is held multiple times throughout the year on Sundays following the 10:30 AM worship service. If you are ready to join as a member, you can join our next available class that fits your schedule best by registering here:
“The Starting Point” is designed to tell you about Northcliffe. Now we want to give you an opportunity to tell us about yourself. The New Members Form is a chance for you to tell us your story, how God is leading you to be a part of Northcliffe, and more! We want to hear about how God is working in your life. Fill out the New Members Form here: New Members Form
At Northcliffe, we highly value church membership and your participation in the life of the church. Accordingly, our elders will review your New Members Form and contact you with any questions that might arise from the form or if there are any ways we can help you in your journey with Christ.
Once your membership form has been reviewed by the elders, we will contact you immediately and celebrate with you as a new member of Northcliffe Church! We will be so excited to see your progress in this area of your life in Christ.
New Members Course Resources
Below are some resources that you might find helpful as you navigate the new members’ process.
New Members Guide
This is a copy of the guidebook that we use during the New Members Class feel free to preview it before you come.
Spiritual Gifts Survey
New Members Covenant