Northcliffe Food Pantry

Tuesdays 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Thursdays 10:00 AM – Noon 
The Northcliffe Food Pantry distributes bags of food to local residents and offers resources for other organizations that can provide additional assistance. The pantry is located on the Northcliffe Church property in the house on Hearth Road (10495 Hearth Road). If you would like to donate any food items, you can drop them at the church during office hours or at the pantry during the times above.

Love In Action Food Kitchen

Free Lunch every Thursday
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM in the Fellowship Hall

In John 21:17 Jesus tells Peter to “feed my sheep.”  In essence, Jesus is commanding Peter to “take good care of the people I put in your path.” Our goal at the food kitchen is to take care of all who come, providing food for the body and showing the love of Jesus in our smiles, speech, and actions.

Door-To-Door Outreach

Tuesdays 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Meeting outside of the Fellowship Hall

Join us in fulfilling the Great Commission through our local community! Our outreach teams always go out in groups of a minimum of 2. If you’re new to door-to-door outreach, we encourage you to join us for a day as a prayer partner to see how easy/rewarding it is!

Text “OUTREACH” to 833-232-4018 for information on future outreach events.

Local Schools - Explorer K-8

What we wish we would do for every school; we are doing for the one closest to our campus. This past year, we have provided snacks to students during testing week, honored more than 225 teachers and staff through a catered hot breakfast during Teacher Appreciation week, and were able to provide welcome gifts to nearly twenty new teachers who transitioned into the school after the year began.

Iglesia Nueva Vida - Spanish Church

Domingos: 11:45 AM – Jueves: 7:00 PM
Donde: Northcliffe Baptist Church 10515 Northcliffe Blvd. Spring Hill, FL
Ahora en tu comunidad existe un lugar para compartir un mensaje de paz, amor y unión familiar; además de seguir manteniendo nuestro idioma y nuestra cultura hispana. También proveemos traducciones al Inglés.
This is a service in Spanish, with translations in English.
For more information visit the Nueva Vida Facebook Page.