For a brief description of each group, simply click the group name. If you are interested in joining a group, click the Register Here button below each group. If you have questions regarding any of the groups, which group would best fit you, or questions regarding Small Groups in general, contact Pastor Ben Ellis by e-mail or call the church office at 352-683-5882.
Sunday Small Groups
9:00 AM
Family is one of the greatest gifts God gives us and one of the greatest influences in our lives. Spouses influence one another, parents are responsible for caring, growing, and discipling their children, and children are responsible to their parents. Those relationships can be the happiest relationships we have, and sometimes the most challenging relationships of our lives. Join us as we walk through what it means to grow spiritually as individuals, as parents, and to guide our children towards God.
A group for the 18-24 year-olds in our community who have graduated high school and have begun their college career or opted to jump straight into the job market. A group for honest discussion around the issues facing students today through the biblical framework that permeates the authentic Christian life.
The foundational issue of our lives is our relationship to God. We want to make sure that who we are is who God desires us to be. To do that we need to be anchored in His Word. We are a small group that wants to grow up around the Word of God, in fellowship and community with one another, and to be looking towards what God has called us to be.
When we are saved we are called to be disciples of Jesus who are making disciples of others. Making disciples can sound like a daunting task, but through reading God’s Word verse by verse we see the places in our lives where we can be better disciples and where we can disciple others. God changes us by beginning on the inside of who we are and allows that to change who we are on the outside. He changes our priorities so that we value God first, others second, and ourselves last. Join us as we discover what Christ is making in us.
One of the challenges that we all face is the way the world we live in influences and impacts what we think, believe, and how we live. Our goal is to challenge how our world tries to influence us by gathering together to study God’s word, pray for one another, live life together, and support one another as we overcome the challenges of our lives. As we share our lives together we dig deeper into the hope that only Christ can give.
At one of the most pivotal moments in our lives, when we are making decisions about who we are going to be, how we are going to follow God in our vocational lives, what we are going to commit ourselves to, and how we are going to make God our biggest priority, who we surround ourselves couldn’t be more critical. In this group, we are exploring what God is doing in our lives today and how that will impact our lives and the people around us in the future. Our goal is not to sit but to encourage and equip one another to be positive agents for change in our communities.
10:30 AM
We want to gather together to have an interactive Bible study, as we walk alongside the biblical characters in the Old Testament looking at their lives, how the trials they faced grew their faith in God’s movement, and how we can start to apply that same kind of faith in our lives. We will journey together through the text and work through various issues as we learn together.
The main purpose of our life group is to help lead people into a deeper Biblical understanding and to live a purposeful obedient life that will honor Jesus Christ and build up each other. To rejoice when they rejoice and to comfort when times get rough. We have a very discussion-style class. Everyone is strongly encouraged to voice their opinions. We believe that interaction will make the teaching of Christ ‘stick’ better and will help build a more ‘family type’ of connection than merely preaching. Our goal is to keep things interesting, relevant to everyday life, and Biblically sound.
A Life Group of senior adults who actively serve the church in a variety of ways. Our primary goal is to connect with one another in community and allow our Bible study to change our hearts and minds. We are a group that strives to come together and rejoice with those who rejoice and mourn with those who mourn. We want our shared life to spill over into all of the connections we make in our faith journey.
We will look at current events through the lens of scripture we will work to faithfully apply God’s Word to the changing circumstances in our lives, culture, and community.
A place where senior adults can connect in a traditional atmosphere of Bible study and fellowship. This life group is a steady connection to the greatest parts of our Baptist traditions while still seeking to impact the life of our church today. There is a great need for senior adults to connect with one another and impact the culture of our families, our friendships, and our communities. Here we learn how God has been shaping and preparing us to continually be an active part of our community of faith.
Lives are changed by interactions with God’s Word. This is a time when we can dig deeply into the Word of God by working through it one verse at a time. The in-depth Bible Study allows us to see who God has revealed Himself to be, and how he wants us to live in light of His presence among us.
We are women who are growing in the grace of God through the study of His word and the fellowship of believers who are on the same journey we are. We hold one another up in prayer and fellowship and look to be more like Jesus in our everyday walk with Him.
Mid-Week Small Groups
The Book of Romans: Part 1 by J.D. Greear
We are a community of moms raising children who meet weekly, supporting each other along the way in parenthood and faith.
The book of Romans is considered by many to be one of the most important books ever written on the Christian faith. Writing to Christians, the apostle Paul defines the gospel, explores its depths, and discusses its significance and implications for the Christian life.
Living in the Power of the Holy Spirit
Beatitudes by Pastor Matt Chandler
What does it mean to be blessed? And, more importantly, how do we become someone who is blessed? The kind of life God is calling us to may not look the way we imagined, bit i will be better than we could have hoped. In this eight-session series, Pastor Matt Chandler takes us through the Beatitudes and shows us what it means to live in the kingdom of God. Through Jesus’s teaching, learn what the blessed life really looks like.
Don’t Give the Enemy a Seat at Your Table by Louie Giglio
Sometimes, we need a place to have a conversation with other men. In this men’s gathering, we will begin with a Bible study that challenges us to be better husbands, sons, fathers, and men of the church. Through a series of Bible studies, we will encourage one another to become more of who God has made us to be and step into what he has called us to do.
Blessed Assurance – Knowing for sure we are saved and secure!
This ten-week study from the book of 1 John moves the believer from a hope-so assurance of salvation to a know-so assurance of salvation.
1st and 2nd Thessalonians
Paul’s letters to the fledgling church in Thessalonica is the perfect study to understand some of the foundational aspects of the Christian faith and the lifestyle that flows out of that faith. Join this group of men as they dive into these two New Testament letters to reignite or rediscover the foundations of your faith and some ways to live according to that faith.
Finances are challenging. We and our families face a lot of pressure each day, and sometimes, we feel overwhelmed. Financial Peace University is a time-tested course that helps us grow in wisdom when handling our finances. We would love to have you join this 10-week course to help you overcome your financial burden and grow in faithfulness in using the resources God has placed in your hands.
Cost: $60 per family
The book of Daniel is challenging and powerful. It describes God’s provision of his people, the leaders he has called into place, and a stunning view of the future, which has caused believers of all generations to trust in God’s faithful care for his creation and his people.
Faith to Faith
This group is for anyone with big questions about the Christian faith. Whether you have been a believer for a long time but have had a question in the back of your mind, or you are newer to the faith and have lots of questions, this group is an opportunity for you to settle in and have your questions answered in a conversational atmosphere.
Our Thursday night meetings are a time of fellowship and studying through the Bible and how it relates to our everyday lives. or text 719-439-4436
We are excited to dive into the Word of God in a conversational Bible study where we look forward to encouraging one another in our faith as we grow into who Christ has called us to be. We will explore different books of the Bible as we desire to understand our role as believers who are a part of a New Testament church.
Becoming A Member
The Discipleship Pathway Classes
Sunday, January 19, 9:00 AM in the Adult Center
The Discipleship Pathway has been designed to help believers understand their faith and find ways to actively participate in the life of Northcliffe. Starting on January 19th, we’re launching The Starting Point and Identifying Your Call!
To learn more about The Discipleship Pathway, click here.