Our Mission

Northcliffe Students exists to lead students to LOVE God personally, LIVE life purposefully and to SERVE others passionately.
Our student ministry is made up of 6th – 12th-grade students from multiple counties. We have many opportunities to help you grow in your relationship with God and others including Life Groups (small groups), student worship services, concerts, camps, retreats, mission trips, and many other events throughout the year.
If you have questions regarding Northcliffe Students, e-mail  info@northcliffe.church or call the church office at 352-683-5882.

Weekly Gatherings


Student Impact

Every Wednesday night during the school year, students gather to worship at 6:30 PM in the Family Life Center. This time of worship is structured to meet the specific needs of our city’s teenagers. 


Small Groups

Life Groups allow the students to dig deeper into God’s Word in a small classroom setting. Each group explores what it means to be a child of God while sharing life together. Life Groups meet each Sunday at 9:00 AM in the Family Life Center. 


Crash Night

Saturday, April 5th

Save the date!
We will be hosting a date night for couples in our church. Students will be serving a meal and watching kids as we raise money for Summer camp!

Senior Recognition 2025

Wednesday, May 14
Sunday, May 18

We will honor our seniors with a pre-Impact dinner on May 14th, followed by a special service designed around them. Then, on Sunday, May 18th, we will honor seniors in our worship services!

Students Summer Missions Trip

June 16-21, 2025, Deland, FL
Cost: $100 per person!

Only 10 spots available. Register early!

World Changers is a hands-on mission experience, engaging students in meeting the needs of people in communities across North America. Students are able to put their faith into action by serving others and sharing the gospel.
For more information on World Changers, please visit world-changers.net.

Students Summer Camp 2025

July 21-25, 2025
Southern Wesleyan University Central, SC
Cost: $385 per person:

This year, our Students will be having summer camp at Southern Wesleyan University Central in South Carolina. Click the button below to register!

VBS 2025

June 9-13, 2025
3 Years Old – 5th Grade
Stay Tuned For Registration To Open

Save the date for this year’s VBS from June 9-13! Students can serve in a variety of ways during our week of VBS. Stay tuned to sign up to help with music, rec, missions, snacks, or step up to be a group leader!

For Parents

Many parents see the teenage years as something to simply survive. Many say, “If I can just get my child through the next few years, my life will go back to normal.” It seems like when our children reach the age of 12 an alien comes down and sucks their sweet, innocent little brain out and replaces it with an anti-Christ-like brain!

At Northcliffe, we believe the teenage years aren’t something to simply “survive.” We believe it is the age of opportunity. Your children will grow more spiritually during their teenage years than at any other time in their lives. It is the age when most students come to know the Lord and the age when most students walk away from God and never look back. We want to help parents during these critical years. We’ve included links to some great information for parents.
Here are some helpful online resources for you and your family:

www.richardaross.com – Homepage of Dr. Richard Ross, professor at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, founder of the True Love Waits campaign, and the Turning Hearts Tour.
www.family.org – Focus on the Family webpage. Dr. James Dobson shares insight into raising families in today’s world.
www.sbc.net – Webpage of the Southern Baptist Convention
www.heartconnex.org – Free Devotion for Families
www.flbaptist.org – The home page for Florida Baptist’s
www.lifeway.com – LifeWay Christian Resources is one of the world’s largest providers of Christian products and services.
We didn’t forget about the rest of your family! Northcliffe offers programs for kids, adults and Spanish speaking individuals. 
For all the details click on each ministry to view their page.