The Starting Point

Begins Sunday, Nov. 3rd at 10:30 AM – Nov. 24th
Adult Center, Second Floor, D-24

The Starting Point is a 4-week class for anyone who would like to explore what it means to be a member of Northcliffe Church as well as learn about our beliefs, mission and vision of the church.

To learn more about the Discipleship Pathway, click here.

Thanksgiving Baskets Food Drive

We are looking for donations for our annual Thanksgiving Baskets Food Drive to provide meals for families in our Church and community! Donations can be dropped off Sundays in the church lobby or during the week at the church office. If you would like to cover the cost of one basket (including turkey) we recommend a $30 donation. Any checks may be payable to Northcliffe Church and designated “Thanksgiving Turkey” in the memo line.

Worship Center Audio/Video Upgrades

To enhance our capacity to proclaim the gospel through music, the spoken word, and the intentional preaching of God’s Word, we have come to the point where we need to upgrade the audio and visual technologies in the Worship Center. For all the information related to the 3-phases needed to complete this vision, click on the button below!

The Discipleship Pathway

The Discipleship Pathway has been designed to help believers understand their faith and find ways to actively participate in the life of Northcliffe. This journey begins with understanding the core truths of our shared faith, identifying how God has prepared you for His purposes, leading others, and faithfully connecting with the mission of the local church where God has placed you.