Parables: Week 6

On this special Student Sunday service, Pastor Tim delivers a powerful message on the importance of being obedient to God and remaining faithful to His calling in our lives.
While this is the last letter of our acronym, it can be considered the driving force of the whole acronym. At Northcliffe, we want our highest pursuit to be God Himself. God saved us not for our sake but for His sake. Having a relationship with God is the highest […]
One of the goals of the church is to be a body of people who live in harmony with one another. We want to be a people who avoid unnecessary conflicts, submit to biblical conflict resolution, and, if necessary, church discipline. We want Northcliffe to be a church where we […]
Reflecting the humility that we value in disciples of Jesus, teachability is a reflection of the reality that we don’t know everything. God is always teaching us something that we might better reflect His character in our lives and relationships. We can learn from God’s Word, the circumstances He is […]
We want our leaders to model Christlikeness in all that they do. Leadership at Northcliffe means stepping up when needed and serving whenever possible. At Northcliffe, leadership is about the opportunities to serve and not the chance to be in charge.
We want to have an attitude like Jesus, who was humbly obedient to God, loving others without seeking personal gain, and oriented towards the mission of God. This attitude is something that the disciples of Jesus should always strive to emulate.
We believe that God deserves our very best in everything that we do. God held nothing back when He created the world and when He redeemed humanity through the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. Accordingly, we want to offer God the absolute best of all we have, say, and […]
We believe that no individual has all the answers or all the best ideas. So we want to do everything in humility, recognizing that God can and will use others for the growth of His church. We wish to pursue the good of others more than we pursue our own […]